Thursday 29 March 2012

Individual digipack

For some reason it has been extremely hard to save the photos edited on adobe photoshop, therefore i have resorted to taking pictures with my camera, which is not as good quality as the original. I have also unfortunatly lost my back cover and poster. Which i regret massivly and is something i would definatly never do again and take extra care of if repeated.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Additional image for digipak and advert

Extra image for digiack  -recovered

Advert for digipack

The Wanted - How they market themselves

With the rise of technology, it is making it easier for bands such as 'The Wanted' to promote themselves. Before technology and the internet were invented artist would market themselves by touring the country, going on radio stations and putting posters up on the street. However with the internet and social networking sites such as facebook and twitter, word gets around about the artist or band very quickly.

The Wanted are up to date with the latest technology. Examples are along the lines of their youtube account. On the band's youtube account people can can access and listen to their songs and give them personal feedback. However, their videos are not just their songs, you can also find interviews with different band members/ the band together, you can access backstage clips and gossip, this way fans can get to know the group better, and feel as though they know the band. The theme on the page is personalised this is the same theme as the one on their website, this way it is easier for the audience to recognize them.

Another popular website they use is twitter. With the band having a group account and individual accounts, it has made it easier for fans to follow what the group get up to daily. On these accounts they put up personal pictures, videos and information about tour dates etc. Like this, the group can not only show their fans what they get up to but also gain more fans by showing people a different side to them than the music. Twitter is another way the band can communicate with fans by responding to tweets, and it is another way of getting feedback, and get to know their fans that little bit more and see what they would like to see the band do in the future; this in my opinion is good as it can lead on to a positive word-of-mouth from the audience and spread the word of the band.

The band also have a facebook account, which has reached just over a million followers. They have the same things as on twitter with videos, pictures and information, however on their facebook page they also have their merchandise. Having more than one social networking site accounts it allows the band to reach out to different people with different interests, and yet again leads to a larger fan base which is what they are after. With each band member updating their pages it is another way of allowing the fans to get more engaged with the band and become even more into their music.!/TheWanted?sk=app_186599258079630

Along with the social network crowd, like any other band they also have their own website. On the website you have the choice of listening to their music, watching their videos, finding out when and where their tours are taking place. They also sell their merchandise and in more than one language; Which I think is important as the band are not limiting their target audience and shows that they are dedicated to their job trying to spread the word worldwide. Merchandising is also a great technique to promote the band as people buy things like t-shirts, stationary, dolls etc which creates another way of marketing through the audience as other people can see.

It is not only the band who promote themselves. The fans have also helped as much as possible by posting fan made videos on youtube, fan made facebook and twitter acounts and fan made blog pages. Yet again people are able to see pictures etc and comment on what they think of it. Being able to communicate and give your own opnion is important as it allows the audience to engage and spread the word.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

music video analysis - Here it Goes Again By OK GO

Here we go again is one of the first music video's to come from OK GO. The video is not overly complicated and there is no narritive for the viewer to get lost in. The video appears to be one single continuous take and is not broken in jump cuts or any editing whatsoever. The camera is held in the same position throughout the whole music video which follows the band doing what looks like a very well rehearsed dance routine on 8 different treadmills. The whole video took a total of seventeen attempts for it to be completed.

On average the video lasts about 3 to 4 minutes of just the band doing this routine. But because it is so simple and yet so un-relevant to the music lyrics, it is that that draws the audience in. This is probably due to the fact that it is so different to any other music video around. Now a days most videos are very similar in the fact that someone is singing and there always seems to be a narrative or it is a performance in a studio or a live performance. In this case however, it really intruiges the audience and makes them want to carry on watching. The video is very memorable. Even if it only has 4 people in it and the same setting, background, shot and costume all the way through, the whole concept of the music video highly effective and extremely captivating.
Making the video must have been very entertaining and it was most likely very cheap to make and produce, and at the same time very time consuming for the band as had to learn the routine and practice hard to get it right.

This music video is also very different to others, as there is no sign of sexual representation, intertextuality, different settings. I get the feeling that the band want to sell themselves as freewilled, a go with the flow band, what ever comes their way band. But at the same time, the fact that they put so much time and effort into making the music video and learning the dance routine shows that they are dedicated and determined people, which shows that they will work hard at anything thrown at them.

The video was choreographed by Trish Sie and directed by Sie and the band. The music video did very well and the band were even asked to perform the routine at the MTV music video awards. It has since been viewed over 10 million times on youtube.

Timeline of music video history

1900 Edison invents the gramophone in the USA; first shift from music as a solely live and audiovisual experience to recorded audio on various forms of disc.
1920s Fischinger experiments with sound/vision synchronisation on film
1927 First sound film, The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland, USA)
1930s Creation of first "soundies"
1939 introduction of the panarom
1940s peak period of MGM Hollywood musical
1954 Elivs Presley records 'that's alright(Mumma)'
1960 Scopitone introduced in France
1963 UK's first music TV programme, Ready Steady Go (itv)
1964 Top of the Pops tv programme begins (bbc).
The Beatles release the film and album 'A hard days night' (Richard Lester), UK.
1966 The Monkees tv show starts on NBC in the USA.
1967 The Beatles release tv promos for Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields forever.
1975 Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody (Bruce Gowers)
1977 Saturday night fever (John Badham) USA
1979 Buggles: Video killed the Radio Star (Russell Mulcahy)
1980 David Bowie, Ashes to Ashes (David Mallet and David Bowie)
1981 Pop clips on Nickelodeon.
MTV starts.
Duran Duran 'Girls of Film' (Kevin Godley and Lol Creme).
1983 Michael Jackson 'Thriller' (John Landis).
Beginning of country music television (CMT).
1984 Music Box starts in Europe.
MTV Video Music awards launched.
1985 VH1 begins. MTV taken over by Viacom.
Live Aid.
1986 Dire Straits 'Money for Nothing' (Steve Barren) is top video.
1987 MTV Europe (MTV - E)launched, broadcasting 1.6 million homes. Peter Gabriel 'Sledgehammer' (Steven Johnson) wins best director award.
1988 MTV Europe achieves 3.5 million subscribers.
1989 MTV Europe reaches 6.7 million homes.
Live broadcast from Moscow Peace Festival.
Madonna 'express yourself' (David Fincher) wins best director award.
1990 Madonna 'Vogue' (David Fincher) wins best director award. Launch of MTV Unplugged.
1991 Madonna 'Justify My Love' (Jean-Baptiste Mondino).
1992 MTV launches 'the real world', a fly-on-the-wall documentary following the lives of seven people sharing a New York loft.
1993 MTV Launches tv series 'Beavis and Butthead'.
1994 R.E.M: 'Everybody hurts' (Jake Scott) wins best director award.
Launch of VH1 in the UK.
Launch of MTV Europe awards.
1997 MTV UK and Ireland launches as stand alone channel.
1998 Launch of celebrity death match.
1999 Fat Boy Slim 'Praise You' (Spike Jonze) wins best director award.
2000 Launch of Jackass
2001 Launch of MTV dance.