Thursday, 22 March 2012

music video analysis - Millions - Those Girls

Millions is an indie/ underground band from Brisbane Australia, the band are not very well known with only two songs: their first 'Guru' and their second being 'Those Girls' - with Those Girls being their first music video.

The music video of 'Those Girls' is very fast tempo and full of action, with people dancing throughout so the viewers do not switch off and it keeps you intruiged and entertained. The video starts off with it cutting to the beat of the music with the girls also moving/dancing along to the beat this also makes it quite lively and fun. The band Millions are also playing a set which is quite a stereotypical look for an indie band - having a performance in a music video.

From the mise-en-scene you can tell that the video is set in the 1960's hence why the whole video is in black and white, which gives it a vintage feel. However this could also make you wonder if something dark or bad will happen later on, even though people are seen very happy. It is also evident that it is set in the 1960s by the costume - which is very original, full of bold colours, and high neck clothing. The band also have a typical 1960's as they are seen wearing suits and skinny ties and polo necks, this also gives the video a Beatles/Kinks feel to it. The make-up is also a good representation of the 60's as it is very bold and thick, along with the hair and style of dancing - quite are both unique. At 0:58 you see an iconic style of dancing for this era, the shot is divided into three sections with three girls dancing. With the lyrics being "you know those girls" the shot illustrates these lyrics as does the rest of the video. This is also evidence of intertextuality, as the costume and setting of the music video reminds me of television programmes of the 60s such as the avengers and the saint.

At times in the music video when the tempo is fast the action is slow - there is no syncronisation between the tempo and the movement of everyone else apart from the band playing. However when the chorus comes up everyone is dancing along with the band and the movement therefore is syncronised with the tempo.

The story line is based on a party, a party full of girls, the only guys visible are the band performing. This automatically gives the women a more dominant role in the music video. From time to time you see the back of a girl smoking a cigarette, one could question whether she is an outsider, a threat to the party or just a very mysterious woman. Later on she makes her entrance and stirs up all the trouble by making out that people have been stealing things from others; this imidiatly casues fights throughout the room between the girls. This could show a different side to women a more daring side to them, and in a way turns the role in gender as it is usually the men who cause the trouble and the men who would do such things. Also the fact that the girls all started fighting seems very unlady like, especially seeing as near the end it got very physical.

The video ends with the woman looking pleased with her doings and walking off as though nothing had happened. The video in general is narrative based however it has a good mixture between narative and performance.

It seems as though the band want to sell themselves as fun people and a little edgy with a music video set in the 60s. With this being their first music video it feels as though the band and their record label want to sell them as fun loving people and at the same time people dedicated to their music as they are seen performing throughout the whole music video.

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